Wednesday 8 June 2011

All About Insects

Summer 2 topics in ICT and Science will be about different insects and animal habitats.

  • We will use webquests to search a topic following the instructions.
  • We will work in teams to make a presentation about our insect.
  • We will choose our presentation tool - PPoint or Google Sites?
1. Perfectly Penguins - Lsn 1 Webquest Introduction
    Do sections 1, 2 and 3 with your team.
2. Penguins Are Cool - Lsn 1 Webquest
    Is it better than the Perfectly Penguins webquest?
3. Fairy Penguins - Lsn 1 Website
    A webpage by children from Australia.
 4.  Google Sites: Lsn 2
    A test webpage about Fairy Penguins.

5. Butterfly Video - Lsn 2 Is this a good way to present information?

6. Butterfly Webpage - Lsn 2 Is this webpage a better way to present?
7. Butterfly PPoint - Lsn 2 Or is this the best way to present information?

Are you ready for an Animal Webquest?
  • Work in groups
  • Choose an animal
  • Decide how you will present your learning.

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