Monday 20 June 2011

All About Habitats

What is an envirnonment? What is a habitat? Why do animals, plants and all living things live in different areas?

In Science, we will find out...

1. Garden Explorer -
Look at the day and night creatures in the garden.
2. Human & Animal Habitats -
Different things live in different places.
3. Nature Explorers -
Look at the grassland, pondland and woodland links. Which will you see at Wandsworth Common? 

Tuesday 14 June 2011

All About Numbers

We are always learning our Times Tables and doing different sums for adding, subtracting, multiplication and division. Look here for the topics and games that we have used in lessons.

1. 4x Tables Target Game - and all other tables too!
2. Doubling Numbers - using partitioning.

Challenge Yourself!
1. Saving Squad - double, halve and round money at the restaurant.

Wednesday 8 June 2011

All About Insects

Summer 2 topics in ICT and Science will be about different insects and animal habitats.

  • We will use webquests to search a topic following the instructions.
  • We will work in teams to make a presentation about our insect.
  • We will choose our presentation tool - PPoint or Google Sites?
1. Perfectly Penguins - Lsn 1 Webquest Introduction
    Do sections 1, 2 and 3 with your team.
2. Penguins Are Cool - Lsn 1 Webquest
    Is it better than the Perfectly Penguins webquest?
3. Fairy Penguins - Lsn 1 Website
    A webpage by children from Australia.
 4.  Google Sites: Lsn 2
    A test webpage about Fairy Penguins.

5. Butterfly Video - Lsn 2 Is this a good way to present information?

6. Butterfly Webpage - Lsn 2 Is this webpage a better way to present?
7. Butterfly PPoint - Lsn 2 Or is this the best way to present information?

Are you ready for an Animal Webquest?
  • Work in groups
  • Choose an animal
  • Decide how you will present your learning.

All About Shapes

It's the last part of the Summer Term. We are revising lots of shapes we know but adding new ideas too!

Right now we are working with shapes.
1. 2D shapes - Do you know their properties?
2. Right angles - in 2D shapes. You need a FLASH player for this game.
3. 3D shapes - A BRILLIANT site to help you learn shape properties!
4. 3D shapes from nets - nrich Maths video
5. Symmetry - see if you can make your own patterns and reflections. Use the coloured polygons.

Can you remember how to share out fractions?
1. Kids & Cookies - choose your friends, cookies and eat them!